Zoodle Bowl

My go-to easy, quick, nutritious meal-zoodles! Not only are they easy to make, but this meal is also very budget friendly~There are many different ways to create your own zoodle bowl, but here is one to try out and base others around.

1 Zucchini

Handful of Spinach or Kale

1 Chicken sausage(I get mine from Trader Joe's)

Cherry tomatoes

1/2 Avocado 

Pesto(I use Trader Joe's vegan kale pesto)

Nutritional yeast

Seasonings: Garlic powder and Himalayan Pink salt

~also make sure you have a spiralizer-I have a hand held one from Amazon

Spiral your zucchini into a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Add in kale and tomatoes. Chop up the chicken sausage and throw it right in the pan with all the goods. Season it up and give it a good mix with some tongs. Keep mixing occasionally to make sure it is all getting cooked throughout. Once zoodles and everything looks cooked and heated move to a bowl or plate. Add your avocado, stir in your pesto, and sprinkle some nutritional yeast on top and you got yourself a one pan meal! Enjoy as is or with a side of crackers. Happy eating!




Pesto Zoodles

Pesto Zoodles