Chickpea Pasta Salad

The perfect Summer dish to keep you nice and cool~Pasta salad! Not only easy, but also budget friendly and a great dish to take to your weekend bbq. What you need~

1 Box Eat Banza Chickpea Pasta-or any whole wheat/GF pasta

1 jar Artichoke hearts

1 Bell pepper

Italian dressing(light)

Optional: Cucumber, Feta/Cheddar cheese

Cook the pasta for 7-12 minutes, drain, and let cool. While cooling slice up your veggies. Throw all ingredients in a bowl with 2 tbsp Italian Dressing and mix it all up. Keep refrigerated until serving! Feel free to add more dressing in your own bowl as well.

Chickpea pasta is full of protein and fiber which will help with digestion and satiety!

Chickpea Pasta Salad

Chickpea Pasta Salad

Brittney Gingrich