Relishing Nutrition & Fitness

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Massaged Kale Salad

Yes kale has many benefits, but it’s taste may not always be a favorite. I’ve found that massaged kale is my new favorite way of eating this leafy green, so here’s how you do it!

1 Head of Kale

1-2 tbsp Olive oil

Lemon zest

Favorite salad toppings:

Turkey burger



Sweet Potato

Nutritional yeast

Wash your kale and strip the leaves-place in a bowl. Mix 1-2 tbsp of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon over kale and massage it as you would a friend’s back. Repeat this massage for about a minute or until kale is a brighter green and feeling soft. Top with your favorite salad toppings-mine being the above, and enjoy a softer/much easier to eat type of kale!

Massages kale salad