Pesto Cauliflower Gnocchi

Trader Joe’s cauliflower gnocchi is legit the new black. The stuff goes quick in the freezer section so get some when you see it! This is one of my favorite comfort meals that will keep me full for hours. Of course I pair it with their vegan cashew kale pesto(my obsession) and add in lean ground chicken for protein.

1 bag Cauliflower Gnocchi-from Trader Joe’s

1-2 tbsp Vegan Cashew Kale pesto(or any other pesto you have)

1 package Lean Ground Chicken

First off do not follow directions on gnocchi package, but instead cook in a pan over the stove with olive oil and let each side sit for about 5-10 minutes before flipping. While thats getting nice and crispy get your chicken cooking in the pan and season with Everyday seasoning(also found at TJ’s). Once everything is cooked and crisp toss 1/2 the gnocchi in a bowl(you’ll want the leftovers for lunch the next day), a scoop of chicken, and stir in your pesto. Enjoy the warm joy of a gluten free veggie pasta that gives you all the feels~

Pesto cauliflower gnocchi

Pesto cauliflower gnocchi

Brittney Gingrich