Grain Free Breakfast Tacos

I love how tacos can be eaten for every meal, whether it be dinner, lunch, and even breakfast! Tacos are a great way to get in all those macronutrients needed to help sustain the body. Lately I’ve been into grain free tacos using tortillas made with cassava flour(almond and coconut as well). Here’s what you need~

1-2 Grain free tortillas(I use Mikey’s)

2 Scrambled eggs

1/2 Avocado

Some roasted veggies(sweet potato, butternut squash, zucchini, etc.)

Everything but the Bagel seasoning(Trader Joe’s)

Scrambled up your eggs with some spinach for added fiber and iron. I usually have roasted veggies on hand, but if needed roast at 400 for 25 minutes with avocado oil and seasonings-I cook zucchini over the stove. Heat your tortilla(s) over a pan for about 5 seconds each side or microwave for 15 seconds. Load that baby up and top with avocado and seasoning. Enjoy every last bite~

Grain free tacos

Grain free tacos

Brittney Gingrich