Relishing Nutrition & Fitness

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Dress Up Your Packaged Salad

I personally love having some sort of ready-to-go salad on hand for busy days, but sometimes they don’t provide the amount of nutrients my body is looking for. My favorite salad is from Trader Joe’s-The Pasadena Salad. I love how fresh it is, but I think it could use some healthy fats and carbs in order to help keep me satisfied. Here’s how I spice it up a bit~

1 package Pasadena Salad or any store bought salad

1/2 Sweet Potato

1/2 Avocado

Sprinkle of Nutritional yeast

Slice sweet potato in fry shape and bake at 420 for 20-25 minutes with olive oil and garlic salt. Mix your salad up in a bowl-Health Tip: use half or even less of the amount of dressing it comes with to avoid added sugars and saturated fats. Add in your avocado-great substitute for the rest of the dressing. Sprinkle nutritional yeast for a dairy free cheesy taste that will provide your body with b vitamins-aka energy! Enjoy!

Dress up your Trader Joe’s salad: Pasadena salad