Relishing Nutrition & Fitness

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Protein Packed Gluten Free Pasta Dish

Nothing like an easy dinner that will fill you up and make you feel good after eating! This is great for 2-3 people or even just you(the more leftovers the better)! Here’s what you need:

1 bag or box of Lentil Pasta-I like Trader Joe’s or Barilla

1-3 Chicken Sausages-I like Trader Joe’s


Marinara Sauce

1-2 Zucchini

Nutritional Yeast (optional)

Follow instructions on how to make your pasta-typically you’ll boil water and mix pasta in to cook for about 12 minutes or so. Cut your zucchini and chicken sausage up and saute with spinach in a pan with oil-I like adding oregano to the veggies. Once everything is done cooking plate it up and add your desirable amount of sauce + nutritional yeast. Enjoy a protein filled dish!

I love the lentil pasta because it provides a good amount of protein which will help keep us fuller longer. When it comes to marinara sauce always double check that label and make sure there’s little to no added sugar!

Gluten Free Easy Pasta Dish