Relishing Nutrition & Fitness

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Food is literally fuel for our bodies. What we put into our bodies plays an important role in how we feel all around. So, how do we make sure we’re getting the right nutrients and energy for the bod? It’s all about how you build your plate! What’s going on that plate or in that bowl? Just pasta? That will give you some energy, but won’t really keep you full. Just avocado? Not enough calories or fuel to sustain you for multiple hours. Here’s a few tips I use in order to build a nourishing plate:

  • Stick with the 3 Macronutrients: Complex carbs, Healthy fats, and Protein. All of these paired together will help balance your blood sugar which in turn helps keep your energy stable and your body nice and full! Carbs=energy, Fats=satisfaction/energy, Protein=satisfaction. All 3 also come with a variety of micronutrients and vitamins!

  • Fiber: fiber helps with digestion and satisfaction. You’ll find this in fruits and veggies.

  • Water: stay hydrated always!

  • Seasonings: these add a variety of flavor without the added calories, sugar, or saturated fats. I love garlic powder, sea salt, paprika, and pepper.

  • Portions: I like to stick with half my plate being veggies/fruit, a quarter protein, and the other quarter carbs.

Obviously not every meal will be super balanced, but these are just some tips to aim for on a more regular basis. We want to make sure we’re keeping our blood sugar stable and our bodies energized so we can thrive throughout the day! Below are some of my favorite combos!

Spinach, turkey, pesto, sweet potato

Avocado, lettuce, chicken, sweet potato

Whole wheat toast, eggs, spinach, broccoli